Tools to build Data Markets, manage ERC721 data NFTs and ERC20 data assets

Build Data Markets. Build your own marketplace, by forking Ocean Market code.

Manage ERC721 data NFTs and ERC20 data assets for use in DeFi. Use ocean.js or to manage data NFTs and datatokens:

-Publish and consume data services, wrapped as ERC721 data NFT and ERC20 datatokens.

-Transfer datatokens (or delegate your transfer rights and allow accounts/contracts to transfer tokens on your behalf).

-Manage pools. Deploy OCEAN-datatoken Balancer pools, buy & sell datatokens (swap), and add & remove liquidity.

-Manage data NFTs and datatokens. Control access to smart contract functions, and assign roles.

-And more. Use ERC20 support in web3.js,, and Solidity to connect datatokens with crypto wallets and other DeFi services.

Developer documentation is the go-to place for more info.